Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My First "Fit Test" for Insanity (Results)

My Results for my first fit test for the workout program "Insanity" are as follows:

Switch Kicks 5
Power Jacks 24
Power Knees 43
Power Jumps 14
Globe Jumps 6
Suicide Jumps 2
Push-Up Jacks 7
Low Plank Oblique 13     

I'll vouch for the program and say that this what not easy, whatsoever. :P
However, I do feel it will greatly improve my health. I started on April 18th, and I will finish on June 19th. After I finish, I'm going to wait one week, the repeat the program, just for more results. :D
I'll also be doing other small things on my blog, such as updates on my W.O.W and Runescape accounts, and a possible review on the new Mortal Kombat that was released the day I am writing this blog.

Happy Blogging!

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